Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Two Good Days

Really good days.  I'm not doing anything different which can really only mean it isn't about me.  I'm not doing, or doing, anything that makes for hard days.  Does that make sense?

I just don't know what to make of any of it.

But in the other side of life....Kaylen is still not doing well.  It makes me nervous though I feel a wee bit better having seen an X-ray of her guy yesterday.  Nothing obvious.....like a tumor.  She is/was backed up which could cause it but after her meds in the afternoon, she made several trips to the bathroom so she and I were both hopeful that it got things moving along and today would be good.

And it was....this morning.  Before lunch she was in pain.  She hung in there until 115pm and then called to come home.  Thankfully, today is a stay at home day.  I often wonder how single parents, without family or support system, handle it when kids get sick at school.  I'm pretty sure, if I had a regular 9-5 full time job, I'd have been fired this fall.  Kaylen has missed a good deal of school...mostly needing to come home early.  And heavens knows the ex wouldn't take time off to take care of sick kids.  She never has.....even when I had conflicts in my schedule.  I was the one expected to cancel whatever appointments or work I had scheduled to stay home.

It makes it really hard.  So I am fortunate that way... I do get to be here when they need me. 

I just wish we could figure out what's going on with her and get her feeling better again.

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