Thursday, December 4, 2014

True Tori

I've been watching the second season of True Tori and it is so painful.  My heart breaks for them both because of what I went through in my first marriage.  In the episode I am watching now, Dean's first wife is telling Tori that they had been a real family with real dreams before Tori and Dean got together and Dean ended his marriage.  I can relate to so much of what they are all saying.  Infidelity (and yes, emotional infidelity counts) does so much damage to the person who didn't see it coming.  The lack of trust it leaves within the person.......the feelings of "I can't trust what I feel, what I see, what I know.  I can't trust anyone but mostly, I can't trust myself because I didn't see this coming.  I will never again be able to have blind faith.  I will never ever be able to trust someone like I did."  You don't consciously say that, or even have a hint it is happening, but over come to realize your trust has been completely shaken and even five years later, I have yet to regain my trust balance.

I know those feelings of betrayal.  They are in the back of my mind, and sometimes in the forethought of everything, every single day.

You might move on...because what choice do you have.....but you never get past it.  It's always there. Just waiting.

If you have ever had your heart broken, or want to see what the pain of having it done does, True Tori is a very real example.

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